United Way of Rock River Valley was awarded $250,000 from the Illinois COVID Response Fund to be distributed to nonprofits in support of services provided to residents of Winnebago County. These funds will be distributed in the third round of grants via the Emerging Needs Fund.
United Way of Rock River Valley and the Rochelle Community Foundation are opening new applications for funds from the Illinois COVID Response Fund to be distributed to nonprofits in support of services provided to residents of Winnebago and Ogle County.
For Winnebago County nonprofits, the funds will be distributed through the Emerging Needs Fund at UWRRV. Applications are due Wednesday, June 3. Download the Round Three application.
For Ogle County Nonprofits, Rochelle Area Community Foundation (RACF) is coordinating the county-wide response and managing the application process. Download the application HERE. It is also available on the RACF online grants portal.
RACF is hosting a Zoom meeting to discuss the Ogle County response; here are the details:
Topic: COVID Grants for Ogle County Nonprofits
Time: May 28, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85137637960?pwd=akhDNGRKazZFWHJCMWlmYzVOZzd0dz09
Meeting ID: 851 3763 7960
Password: 2005
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Meeting ID: 851 3763 7960
Password: 2005